July 5, 2016

Turn Small Groups Into a Growth Engine for Your Church


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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Studies have shown that churches who launch new groups experience growth. Has that been your experience? If not, I bet there are some simple reasons why.

Launching groups without a strategy that fits your church’s overall strategy is just more programming. More clutter.

If groups are effective, they should grow people spiritually and grow the number of people the church is reaching.

I think this is a conversation worth unpacking. So, I’ve asked Chris Surratt (author of Small Groups for the Rest of Us and manager of LifeWay’s SmallGroup.com) and Chris Brown (of North Coast Church) to join me for a free webinar on Tuesday, July 19 at 1pm EST. We hope you’ll join in.

Small Group Strategies Webinar (1)

Here are a few things we’re planning to talk about:

  • How Groups can become a “growth engine” for your church
  • How Groups compete with or complement Sunday School
  • How to build an effective Groups campaign for a fall launch
  • How to create a sustainable strategy for Groups content
  • How to ensure Groups continue to thrive after launch

We’ll include about 15 minutes at the end for live Q&A, but if you want to send questions in advance that would help us shape the discussion, please do.

Space is limited, so if you want to join in, sign up today.

[button link=”https://zoom.us/webinar/register/bc5052ee9fdb7762dc2040ba88984b7b” color=”default”]Yes, I Want to Join the Small Groups Conversation[/button]

Photo Credit: Pexels.com

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