July 25, 2016

Shift Your Strategies and Systems to Lead at the Next Level


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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

3 New Leadership Coaching Networks for Church Leaders Starting in October

If you’ve been following my writing for any length of time, you’ll know that the leadership coaching networks I’ve had the opportunity to host are one of my favorite things. That’s because I’ve seen the time and energy these church leaders invest into stretching their leadership ability translate into real change and growth in their churches.

This fall, I’m facilitating three new leadership coaching networks. We’re structuring these experiences to specifically help you discover the shifts that need to happen in your strategies and systems to lead at the next level.

Do you need to get in on one of these?

[multipurpose] Fall 2016 Coaching Network


Each of these networks is a nine-month, collaborative coaching experience comprised of three in-person gatherings and six live, virtual meetings.
>> Get More Details

Because we believe in the power of leading as a team, we’re requiring registration in teams of two from each church — which means we have space for just 8 churches in each network. I want this network to help you lead real change, and we’ve found throughout the years that requires the buy-in of more than one senior leader.

If you want to be a part of this, apply asap. Those spaces will go fast. (In fact, as of this morning, 3 churches have already secured their spaces in the Multisite Leadership network.) UPDATE: ONLY 1 SPACE LEFT IN THE MULTISITE LEADERSHIP COACHING NETWORK. ONLY 3 SPACES LEFT IN THE OTHERS!

“I thought the value we received far outweighed the cost. We learned, improved, and will continue to grow based on our participation in this coaching network. Tony’s insights were extremely valuable.” – Alex Baez, The Bridge Fellowship, Sugar Land, TX

[button link=”http://theunstuckgroup.com/coaching” color=”default”]Learn More & Apply[/button] 


Photo Credit: Pexels.com

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