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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

YouTube video

This morning I interviewed Mark Meyer and Chad Hunt, who are leading two new Unstuck coaching networks designed for pastors of smaller churches. We talked about the shifts, systems and tools that help a pastor grow a church. Check out the video above.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Teaching can shift your thinking, but systems and tools are what allow you to change behavior.
  • It’s one thing to have a catchphrase you can rally people around; it’s another thing entirely to be able to clearly articulate a vision and put a system in place to lead people to accomplish it.
  • A lot of senior pastors feel pressure to be the one who comes down from the mountain top with a vision and a plan. The greatest potential for growth is in churches willing to build an effective team of people who all feel the weight of the mission and hold each other accountable.

With these new networks starting in April in Indianapolis and Omaha, we’ve identified the key growth engines we’ve seen while working with more than 100 churches in the last few years. We’d love to engage pastors with a vision to grow their church to 500 and beyond.

You can find more info about all of our new coaching networks here. There are some spots remaining, but the deadline to apply is March 6.

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