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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

YouTube video

The Unstuck Group recently conducted a small research project to identify the top 5 most common “core issues” of churches that go through our StratOp process. One of these common reoccuring issues is lack of a clear mission and vision. Churches are really struggling to reach a decision on the roadmap for where they are going and how they will accomplish their vision. A lot are simply leaning on the vision of a larger, “successful” church they follow.

This week, I connected with Josh Clark from The Unstuck Group to talk about this core issue that many churches are facing; here are some of the interview highlights:

  • Competing visions sometimes happen when too many people try to speak into the direction of a church.
  • Ambiguity of vision allows everyone in a church to have a different destination in mind.
  • If your mission/vision doesn’t turn some people away, it probably isn’t big enough or clear enough.
  • Mission is “why” we exist. Vision is “where” we are headed.
  • There are a few components of a vision: where we are now and how we got here, where we are headed and how will we get there.
  • A vision without a plan is just a dream.
  • Oftentimes it’s not that our vision is too big–it’s that it is sometimes too short.
  • Once a vision is established, momentum can be generated by celebrating stories of life change, being creative with vision casting in church environments and empowering champions of the vision to share the excitement of what God is doing.

Josh Clark is leading a coaching network this fall called Reaching 1,000 for church leaders who are ready to discover the shifts that need to happen in their systems and strategies so they can lead at a higher level. There are a few spots left, and the deadline to apply is Friday, Sept. 4.

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