July 26, 2015

Is It Time To Reshuffle The Deck?


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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

When was the last time you looked at your org chart? For many churches, this only happens when an old position needs to be filled or a new role needs to be added. Regardless of a church’s size, it is very important to be certain that you have the right people in the right seats.

Restructuring can sometimes be perceived negatively. Staff members just hear the word and start thinking of layoffs, downsizing and increased responsibilities. Actually, the definition of restructure is “a plan to strengthen a department.”

Proactive leadership recognizes the need for continuous improvement. Being proactive means intentionally looking for positive change that will have a lasting impact on the entire organization.

A few weeks ago, I was talking about staffing and structure with a leader of a growingĀ church. It was suprising to discover that the IT director was also the leader of the entire Creative Arts department. Initially, I thought that it was pretty strange to see a computer guy leading this area. When I asked about it, the leader’s answer really impressed me. He said that his senior leadership team regularly evaluates the org chart. When someone is thriving in leadership, they are given more and more responsibility. Their theory is that great leaders have the ability to lead anything and their natural tendency is to find and empower other leaders to fulfill the mission with their specific talents.

Restructuring your staff can be tricky. It is not uncommon to see staff members shed tears because they suddenly realize they have been serving for years in a role that is not a good match with their skills. Other people have trouble understanding why some leaders with fewerĀ years of service are given increased responsibility once their leadership capacity has been evaluated. There are other times when roles have to be changed or completely eliminated. Sometimes obtaining different results requires reshuffling the deck.

Maybe it would be a good idea for you to ask some of the following questions before the busy fall months arrive:

  • Is your staff thriving? Does everyone have clear roles and responsibilities?
  • Are the people with the greatest leadership capacities leading your organization?
  • Do any positions on your org chart need to be added or eliminated?
  • Are too many people reporting to one leader?
  • Is your org chart aligned in a way that frees up decision making and empowers leaders?
  • Are you thinking about future staffing needs?
  • Does your org chart indicate a clear strategy for leadership development?
  • Have you clearly defined decision making rights?
  • Do you have an effective review process?
  • Does your org chart demonstrate diversity?

We love helping churches determine the best organizational structure for future growth. Our Staffing & Structure Review service gives you:

  • A revised staffing strategy that aligns with your vision and discipleship process
  • A clear understanding of the strengths of each individual team member and how their strengths fit into the overall organizational picture
  • An understanding of the personality and skill gaps that exist on your team in relation to your vision

Curious to learn more about how we serve churches with their staffing and structure needs? Click below.

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Photo Credit: Misss Stephie via Compfight cc

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