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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you’ve heard me mention that The Unstuck Group helps churches assess their ministry health. Ever wonder how exactly we do that and what the experience would be like?

It goes like this:

  1. We review your metrics.

    You complete a comprehensive online ministry survey designed to assess ministry health metrics. The “numbers people” on your team will love this part. Our analysts review the data and provide you with a comprehensive report you can use as benchmarks for progress going forward.

  2. We pull out the leadership’s honest opinions.

    You and your leadership team provide detailed, anonymous feedback on how healthy you think your church is — which helps us figure out where the team is unified and where there is division or confusion.

  3. We “secret shop” your Sunday services.

    We’ll visit your church on a Sunday morning as a “secret shopper” to report observations on various ministry environments through the eyes of an outsider. This is a real strength of our team — they leave no stone unturned.

  4. We connect with the senior pastor.

    A consultant from our team spends quality time meeting with the senior pastor to hear his story and talk about the ministry history, future objectives, strategy and staff leadership.

  5. We involve your leaders in reviewing the past, clarifying the present and dreaming for the future.

    Our consultant meets one-on-one with up to two staff leaders besides the pastor. Then, we facilitate group discussions with the staff leadership team to assess current ministry systems and strategies. It’s a collaborative process that allows the whole team to shape our understanding of your church’s health. We can also hold a separate group meeting for your lay leadership team (church board or elders) to capture their perspectives.

After we spend time together, our team will produce an executive summary outlining observations, data benchmarks and specific next steps we recommend that you take. We’ll schedule a video conference with the senior pastor to review this report and collaborate on how to best position your church to move forward.

We promise you will gain:

  • A fresh perspective on your strategies, systems and structure

  • A better understanding of how people see your church when they visit for the first time

  • A current snapshot of your ministry’s health so you can make educated decisions about future plans

For those of you who have never invited an “outsider” into the depths of your church leadership, I offer this: One of our consultants was recently told by a pastor during his Ministry Health Assessment visit,”You’re just so normal. It’s easy for us to be comfortable with you because you’re not some slick consultant. We felt like you honestly wanted the best for us and were willing to help us figure out how to get there.”

We took that as a compliment.

My team loves helping churches get unstuck. We’d love to help yours. Click below to learn more about how a Ministry Health Assessment could position your church to fulfill its vision.

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