November 6, 2012

Do you know what you’re really selling?

coke cans

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

You might think the University of Alabama is selling a quality education. As we learned in a recent recruiting presentation, though, they’re really selling “tradition.” In fact, notice that in this slide there’s no mention of education.

University of Alabama

You might think Coca-Cola is selling soft drinks or sodas or pop depending on where you live. As we learned in a recent visit to the Coke headquarters, they’re actually selling “happiness.”


In our minds, we’re presenting the Gospel. We’re helping people love God and love others. We’re focused on life transformation. Though that is our primary mission, what people really value may look completely different.

If you haven’t recently, you might want to ask yourselves, “Who are we trying to reach?” And, then, it’s important to consider, “What do the people we’re trying to reach really value?” That should look very different from church to church though we all are about fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. It’s a big mistake if we mimic the ministry strategy of the church down the street or the strategy of the last conference speaker if we haven’t prayerfully considered these questions.

Addressing these questions keep us outward focused. They keep us thinking like missionaries. They help us consider the challenges people are wrestling with so we can intentionally offer the love, hope and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ.

Do you know what you’re really selling?


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