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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Many churches are stuck because they place a huge emphasis on Sunday morning while completely overlooking the importance of helping people take their next steps outside of the weekend services (groups, serving, membership, etc.).

The Unstuck Group believes that the position churches need to prioritize after teaching/lead pastor, worship and kids is the Pastor of Connections. Several years ago, this position might have been titled the Pastor of Assimilation. I’m not a fan of that title. Number one, people generally don’t know what it means. Secondly, people don’t want to be “assimilated” but they’d love your help in connecting to others.

Churches can’t afford to underestimate the importance of guiding people into a deeper relationship with Christ and the Pastor of Connections is the catalyst for making this happen. This leader oversees the church’s connection and spiritual growth strategy. They facilitate relational connection and spiritual growth through weekend guest services, groups and volunteer teams.

The Pastor of Connections is responsible for three key roles:

  1. Oversight and execution of first impressions – Creates an environment that welcomes new guests and provides next steps toward connection and spiritual growth.
  2. Oversight and execution of small groups – Establishes practical onramps and systems to help people move from visiting to belonging and growing.
  3. Oversight and execution of connection volunteer teams – Leads people in discovering their God given shape and helps plug them into a ministry.

If you are thinking about adding this position, check out our Connections Pastor Job Description for more details on this growth engine that can get your church unstuck.

Photo Credit: eyg2181 via Compfight cc

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