The Executive Pastor role is a unique position of second-chair leadership. In this short PDF, dive into the purpose of the XP role and the ideal profile for a successful XP.
The Operations Director is primarily responsible to lead and direct the central systems, structures and teams that maximize the operating effectiveness of (church name) including Facilities, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Finance.
The role of the Senior Pastor (SP) is to oversee the spiritual health and direction of the church under the direction [or “with the advisory oversight”] of the [Board].
The role of the Executive Pastor (XP) is to assist the Senior Pastor (SP) in overseeing the life and direction of the church under the direction of the [Board].
The role of the Director of Family Ministries (DFM) is to oversee the family ministry strategy of [Church Name] under the direction and leadership of the [Position Title].
The role of the Director of Digital Strategies is to lead and design the digital strategies that help people outside the church take next steps towards the church and faith, and engage people within the church to take their next steps on the discipleship pathway.
The role of the Pastor of Connections (PC) is to oversee the connection and spiritual growth strategy of [Church Name] under the direction and leadership of the [Position Title].
The role of the Pastor of Connections (PC) is to oversee the connection and spiritual growth strategy of [Church Name] under the direction and leadership of the [Position Title].
The role of the Communications Director (CD) is to oversee the church communication strategy of [Church Name] under the direction and leadership of the [Position Title].
The role of the Children’s Pastor (CP) is to oversee the children’s ministry strategy of [Church Name] under the direction and leadership of the [Position Title].